Living a life where you struggle with addiction is painful, frightening, and dangerous not just to you, but those around you too. When you deal with addiction to alcohol or drugs, it consumes your existence, separates you from the people who love you most, and threatens to tear apart everything that is good and healthy in your life. It takes great strength to come to the realization that you have a problem and are ready to deal with it. Once you reach this point, you must work to get the proper help you need so that you can overcome addiction and do what’s necessary to turn your life around. Turning to help at a detox retreat in California like ours at the Healthy Living Residential Program can help you get healthy physically and mentally.
Safe Detox That Works
Attempting to tackle an enormous task like going through detox without proper medical guidance and observation can be perilous. Going through this alone should not be an option, especially when you know there is help available to you just a phone call away. Here at the Healthy Living Residential Program, we offer a complete detox program designed to help you in every way we can. When you enter our facility, you will work closely with our experienced personnel and medical staff, who will make sure you get the care you need. We work to make sure the detox you experience is as safe and comfortable as possible for you, so as to maximize the chances of success.

A Retreat to Get You Healthy
Our detox retreat in California will help you to get through the withdrawal symptoms you may face that can be physically and psychologically taxing for you. We offer you personalized care, customizing our detox services to fit your needs and the severity of any symptoms you have. Once your body and mind are clear of the toxins, you can then move on to the residential treatment portion of your care, where our therapy programs help you to understand what you have gone through, get to the core of the causes of your disorder all while helping you to stabilize your life. That way, you can get ready to live a sober existence outside of our program.
Learn More About Our Detox Retreat
To find out more about the detox retreat in California that we offer here at the Healthy Living Residential Program, please take the time to visit our website and read the information provided about our detox services. You will also find articles and information about the therapy we provide, our facility itself, and the excellent staff we have available to help you. If you have questions about our services, would like to learn more about the admission process, or just want to talk to a staff member about getting help, please reach out to us at (866) 683-9415. We have personnel available to speak with you at all times so that you can discover the steps you can take to get healthy again.