The Right Detox Program in Los Angeles Environment

detox program in los angeles

To make sure that you receive the right detox program in Los Angeles, we build our detox program around you and your individual needs. What you need for your treatment is going to be completely different from what someone else will need. So, we construct a treatment program that’s exactly right for you and your life. That way, you can get a treatment plan which absolutely centers on the underlying issues which are causing and driving your addiction.

detox program in los angeles

What our Detox Program in Los Angeles Can Include

If you’ve gone through our blogs or our site, then you’ve seen that before you come into our detox, we conduct several different evaluations on you or your loved one. There’s the initial phone call evaluation, there’s one when you arrive, then there’s a medical one as well as a psychiatric one. Taking information from each of these, we can build your specific treatment program. We have many different kinds of treatments and activities at our facility, and we work to make sure that you get the right mix for your needs.

Individual therapy is included in almost all of our therapeutic plans. Our trained, expert staff will meet with you, building a safe and supportive environment within which to explore the root causes which are creating the symptoms of your addiction. Something else that just about everyone has: three nutritious meals a day from our pro chef. “Healthy living” isn’t limited to just keeping toxins out of your body. By putting good, healthy food into your body, you can feel better on the inside as well as outside. Developing healthy habits is a major part of discovering a sober lifestyle.

Important Training

When people think of “rehab,” they tend to think of detox and therapy. Often, those are the only two images that come to mind – largely because that’s what they’ve seen on television and in the movies. However, there’s so much more to our Healthy Living Residential Program than that. For example, many of our clients also get important social skills training as well. When you’re living a life of addiction, your social skills can atrophy if not disappear altogether. This training allows you to re-discover them and to develop new ones. These social skills will work as a coping mechanism, allowing you to build stronger, healthier relationships outside of the walls of our facility as well.

There are many different forms of therapy at our facility, too. We’ll put you in whichever ones will benefit you the most. We already mentioned individual therapy, but group therapy can also be beneficial to our clients. Instead of just you and the therapist, you’ll see people going through the same things you are, just at different stages of it. Some of them might have overcome something that you’re struggling with right now, whereas others might be fighting against something which you have already moved past. This group therapy can help in a variety of ways.

Family therapy can be greatly beneficial for many of our clients, too. In this, you’ll be with your family or family members. This can be richly rewarding therapy, allowing people to say things that they’ve been meaning to say for a long time. Often, people that go through our family therapy have found that their family bonds strengthened as the client goes through the process.

You may have read the above section and thought: “none of this sounds right for me.” that’s perfectly fine! That’s why we have so many different forms of therapy available. We can find the right one for you, or we can put together a combination of them which will help you to overcome your addictions.

By Your Side

When you’re here at the Healthy Living Residential Program, we’ll be by your side every step of the way. Of course, we recognize that you won’t always be at our facility, which is why so many of our treatment modalities are centered around preparing you for when you walk out of here clean and sober. Our special relapse prevention strategies will help keep you from falling back into your old ways so that you can embrace the new life you’ve worked so hard to adopt.On top of that, we also have “aftercare planning” as well. The last thing we would want is for you to walk out of here without a clear plan for what’s next. That’s why we work with you, putting together a plan in meticulous detail so that you’re ready for any curveballs the world throws at you. The journey to recovery is not easy, but it is possible. Making that first phone call is one of the hardest things that a person ever has to do. When you’re ready, we’ll be here at (661) 536-5562.

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