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Why Choose a Drug Rehab in Los Angeles?

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Weather in Los Angeles

Everyone knows about the amazing weather in Los Angeles. Since the sun is always shining, people have the opportunity to get the vitamin D they need to stay healthy and happy. This can have a dramatically positive effect on your drug rehab experience.

According to WebMD, low levels of vitamin D in the blood have been associated with increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment in older adults, severe asthma in children, and cancer. Research also suggests that Vitamin D plays a role in preventing and treating type 1 and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, glucose intolerance, and multiple sclerosis.

While you are working on your sobriety and health at a drug rehab in Los Angeles, the last thing you need is more health problems to deal with. This can cause you to step away from your main goal of maintaining sobriety to work on your physical health. Although it is important to address any new illnesses during your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab facility, this time away from group and individual therapies may have a detrimental affect on your sobriety. You already have a chemical dependency that your body is working towards treating. Why would you need to add another physical illness to worry about? Take care of your body and physical wellness by getting the amount of Vitamin D you need at a drug rehab in Los Angeles.

Many research studies also suggest that a Vitamin D deficiency in test subjects is linked to depression. This is evident in countries or regions of the world that experience prolonged periods of darkness or rainy weather, such as Alaska, England, or northwestern USA (states such as Washington and Oregon).

As addicts, we all deal with depression. It is one of the main reasons we turn to drugs and alcohol. We end up abusing substances to self medicate, and, in turn, create a stronger bond and reliance on these substances to stay “happy.”

The last thing you need is to increase your depression by continuing your substance abuse treatment in a region of the world where you rarely get to enjoy the sun and experience its effects on wellbeing.

Recreation Opportunities

Nature and Outings in Los Angeles

The natural beauty and environment of our area is another great reason to consider going to a drug rehab in Los Angeles. Southern California has the best variety of natural settings, including mountain ranges, deserts, and beaches. When the weather is too hot, we can drive up the local mountains to enjoy the lower temperatures at higher elevations. Some of the notable mountain ranges have lakes that we can visit to cool down, including Castaic Lake, Pyramid Lake, or Lake Piru. We can take a short trip to one of the many available public beaches, including Ventura Beach, Oxnard Beach, Malibu, or Santa Monica.

During the winter, when the weather cools down, we can visit one of the many deserts in the Los Angeles area. Some of the famous deserts include Joshua Tree, Palm Springs, Mojave Desert, and more. Santa Clarita is also a great location in Los Angeles with great hiking trails, including the trail to Vasquez Rocks. Sometimes seeing snow helps with rehab too, so we always have the option of visiting mountains like Big Bear, where there is beautiful snow in the winter time.

Nature is one of the greatest available healers, and Los Angeles has the best variety of settings available to all its residents. We use these healing energies from the Earth to help us ground ourselves to a more balanced state, to detox our bodies from toxins, and to relax the mind from the chatter and cravings of our addictions. These experiences help us to form positive habits. So when we leave our drug rehab in Los Angeles, we have great alternatives to stay sober and healthy.

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Healthy Living’s Residential Rehab in Santa Clarita CA is fully licensed by DHCS and accredited by JCAHO as a detox and residential treatment center owned and operated by highly experienced, board-certified doctors – specialists in their respective fields, as well as, certified counselors and licensed therapists.

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